The waterways around Louisiana provide employment for numerous residents. During the course of their duties, they could suffer debilitating injuries. The problem is that those who work on vessels, harbors, docks or oil platforms do not qualify for traditional workers'...
Brewster Law Firm LLC
Your Recovery Is Our Top Priority
Month: July 2019
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Do you know about the Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act?
The U.S. Armed Forces has installations all over the world, including here in Louisiana. Many civilians fill essential roles that support the soldiers stationed at them. Some civilians working on these installations would receive benefits under the Defense Base Act if...
Safety on an offshore oil platform isn’t guaranteed
Some Louisiana residents make their living working out on the water, but not on navigable vessels. Instead, they work on oil platforms, which comes with numerous dangers. Even when a company takes safety on an offshore oil platform seriously, accidents still happen...